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Oud 11th November 2015, 15:37
Wouter.G*dschalk Wouter.G*dschalk is offline
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Geregistreerd op: Sep 2015
Locatie: Turnhout
Posts: 30
Indonesia plans prison guarded by crocodiles for drug convicts

Indonesia is planning to build a prison island guarded by meat-hungry crocodiles for drug convicts. The reason for using the deadly reptiles as prison guards is that crocodiles cannot be bribed like human guards.
Indonesia's National Narcotics Agency Chief Budi Waseso has proposed the plan to keep drug kingpins isolated from convicted drug traffickers and users. Waseso, who has already sent his pet project to Ministry of Justice and Human Rights for ratification, is planning to visit Medan, North Sumatra, Sulawesi and Papua in search of the most ferocious type of crocodile to guard the prison island.

Slamet Pribadi, spokesman of Anti-narcotics agency said:
You can't bribe crocodiles. You can't convince them to let inmates escape.So when they try to escape they will be eaten. It’s not a human rights violation when a crocodile does the killing.

Indonesian Justice Ministry, which oversees prisons across the country, has not yet given the green light to the proposal.

Indonesia has a hard line stance against drug smugglers and executed 14 convicted drug traffickers so far this year. Despite such harsh laws, drugs are rife in Indonesian prisons, and inmates and jail officials are regularly arrested for drug trafficking.

Indonesian government describes the country in a 'state of drug emergency' with more than 4.2 million addicts - or two per cent of the country's population - hooked on drugs. According to the authorities , 60 people are on death row in Indonesia, 34 of them foreigners convicted of narcotics crimes.

Earlier this year, Indonesian government's decision to execute six people, including five foreigners, despite international appeals had sparked criticism, with Brazil and the Netherlands temporarily recalling their ambassadors.

Bron: Digital Journal, 10/11/2015.

Mening: Voor mij is het onbegrijpelijk dat er vandaag de dag nog zoiets bestaat als de doodstraf. In Indonesië kunnen mensen tot de dood veroordeeld worden als ze van drugsfeiten beschuldigd worden. Er zijn al heel wat landen die hun ongenoegen hierover hebben geuit, maar er lijkt voorlopig weinig te veranderen. Dat mensen tot de dood veroordeeld worden is op zich al erg genoeg, maar ze laten ´bewaken´ door krokodillen is helemaal absurd. De uitspraak: ´It’s not a human rights violation when a crocodile does the killing´ vind ik dan ook te gek voor woorden. Persoonlijk ben ik voorstander om de doodstraf overal af te schaffen, maar dat lijkt voorlopig nog een utopie.
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