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Oud 7th December 2015, 14:35
Ellen.B*smans Ellen.B*smans is offline
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Anonymous Isis ‘trolling day’: Online activist group asks public to help mock Isis on

Anonymous Isis ‘trolling day’: Online activist group asks public to help mock Isis on 11 December

The group has asked supporters to make fun of what it calls ‘Daeshbags’, both online and off

Anonymous is asking its supporters to take part in a “trolling day” against Isis.

The online activist group has asked that people mock the group that it calls Daesh by posting satirical memes as well as pictures of its dead members. The events on 11 December are part of its ongoing "Operation Isis", which was launched after Anonymous "declared war" after the Paris attacks.

Anonymous has called on its supporters to post mocking photos of Isis members, to disrupt the group’s online communications and propaganda methods as well as running events in real life that include printing out “photos that mock Isis” and spreading them around cities.

The group hopes that by posting mocking messages it can work against the “fear” that it says the group uses to spread.

“You may be wondering why we are "trolling" Isis and planning all these demonstrations against Isis,” the group’s post reads. “But to understand that you must first see how Isis works.

“They thrive off of fear they hope that by their actions they can silence all of us and get us to just lay low and hide in fear. But what many forget and even they do is that there are many more people in the world against them than for them.

“And that is the goal of this mass uprising, on December 11th we will show them that we are not afraid,we will not just hide in our fear, we are the majority and with our strength in numbers we can make a real difference. We will mock them for the idiots they are.”

Supporters of the group have posted a list of recommendations for taking part online. They include everything from “openly call[ing] them Daesh” to “spread[ing] photos of dead/captured Isis members”.

The suggestions largely focus on social networks — and include recommendations for how to mock Isis on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. They mostly consist of creating mocking images, printing out pictures of Isis’s dead members and belittling known supporters, as well as the group’s ongoing strategy of finding Isis-supporting accounts and getting them shut down.

But the group will also hold meetings in real life, in locations such as New York, London and Paris. At those meetings, it suggests that people “Make stickers of mocking photos and put around your town” and “Print out pages showing how Isis does not represent Islam”.

Anonymous's Isis-trolling suggestions in full


Post mocking photos of Isis
While Using #Daesh and #Daeshbags
Post photos of goats while @ing Isis members with captions talking about their wives
Use #'s that many Isis members use and post mocking photos
While again using #'s Isis members use call them out on being Daesh
First @ Isis members call the attention of all your friends to them to suspend -While using #'s known for Isis members to use post photos of dead Isis members
Lets try to get #Daeshbags trending


Post photos showing you are not afraid against them
Openly call them Daesh
Post photos of captured Isis members and mock them


Find Isis accounts and out them to all of your friends asking to report
Openly call them Daesh and Deashbags
Spread mocking photos of Isis


Make mocking videos of Isis
Spread photos of dead/captured Isis members
Call to other youtubers to join in and to mock and belittle Isis members
Find any Isis accounts and report them

Real Life

Print out photos that mock Isis and spread them around your city (be careful can be seen as bad if some dont understand you arent supporting but mocking)
Make stickers of mocking photos and put around your town
Print out pages showing how Isis does not represent Islam

Anonymous's previous tactics have included reporting Isis-supporting social media accounts and leaking their information, as well as hacking into an Isis-supporting website and replacing it with a Viagra ad and a message to "calm down". But the group has drawn criticism from other online activists, who say that some of the information being leaked is wrong.

Datum: 07/12/2015

Eigen mening: Ik ben een voorstander van dit idee. We moeten aan IS laten zien dat we niet bang zijn voor hen en dat ze onze bestaande, gestructureerde samenleving niet onderuit kunnen halen. Eerder las ik ook artikels over foto's van IS-strijders die veranderd werden naar badeendjes. Humor is een belangrijke factor voor het kunnen relativeren van de ernstige situatie waar we ons nu in bevinden. Ik geloof echt dat we ons op deze manier kunnen verenigen en dat we zo sterker staan en de kracht vinden om te vechten tegen terrorisme. Ik vind het ook zeer goed dat Anonymous hier het voortouw in neemt. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat meer mensen mee actie willen ondernemen omdat ze geleid worden door een invloedrijke groep als Anonymous.
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Oud 7th December 2015, 19:06
T*ssa.Goetschalckx T*ssa.Goetschalckx is offline
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Anonymous Isis ‘trolling day’: Online activist group asks public to help mock Isis on

Orgineel gepost door Ellen.B*smans
Eerder las ik ook artikels over foto's van IS-strijders die veranderd werden naar badeendjes. Humor is een belangrijke factor voor het kunnen relativeren van de ernstige situatie waar we ons nu in bevinden.

Dit is het artikel dat Ellen vermeldt in haar mening: .
Met citaat antwoorden

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