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Oud 8th November 2016, 19:55
Stefan.V*ndeputte Stefan.V*ndeputte is offline
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Geregistreerd op: Oct 2014
Locatie: Beerse
Posts: 84
Crown prosecutors consider complaint against Brexit EU referendum campaigns

Crown prosecutors are considering a complaint that the Leave campaign misled voters during the EU referendum campaign.

The complaint against Vote Leave and Leave.EU campaigns was submitted by academic experts in electoral law, who suggested “corrupt campaigning practices” were used by campaigners.

The group, led by Professor Bob Watt of the University of Buckingham, alleges that the Leave campaign made “assertions of fact that were knowingly misleading”.

The falsehoods named include the high-profile claim that the EU was costing £350 million a week – a claim that Vote Leave continued to use despite repeated ticking offs by the UK Statistics Authority.

Under UK electoral law “undue influence” is considered a corrupt practice. The offence includes the use of a “fraudulent device or contrivance”.

“Ultimately it will be for parliament to decide, based on the court’s judgment on evidence that there was undue influence, if that has bearing on whether the EU referendum result should be considered as democratically safe,” Mr Watt told the Guardian newspaper.

A Crown Prosecution Service spokesman said: “We can confirm that this letter has been received and we are currently considering its content.”

The complaint is being considered by a special team that deals with electoral crimes.

Leave.EU has not yet issued a statement on the subject. Matthew Elliott, former chief executive of Vote Leave, said in response to the complaint: “We wish Bob [Watt] well.”

Under the 1983 Representation of the People Act the Director of Public Prosecutions can consider electoral offences when they are directly referred to her office but not before then.

Bron: Independent, 08/11/16,

Eigen mening:
Vandaag de dag wordt er teveel misinformatie verspreid.
Een democratie kan niet functioneren wanneer de kiezers hun mening baseren op complete fabricaties.
Je kan niet van iedereen eisen dat wat ze zeggen altijd 100% correct is, maar we mogen politici wel aan een hogere standaard houden.
Ik denk absoluut dat het een misdaad zou moeten zijn wanneer een politicus dingen zegt die als vals bewezen kunnen worden.
Of de politicus in kwestie op de hoogte is dat zijn informatie foutief is, is in mijn ogen irrelevant.
Ik zou dit soort situatie vergelijken met een doctor die verkeerde medicatie voorschrijft en deze medicatie blijkt gevaarlijk te zijn voor de patiënt.
Professionals hebben nu eenmaal verantwoordelijkheid en er moeten consequenties zijn wanneer ze falen in het voldoen aan deze verantwoordelijkheden.
Met citaat antwoorden

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