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Oud 9th June 2006, 22:27
Barst's Avatar
Barst Barst is offline
Geregistreerd op: Jun 2004
Locatie: L'burg
Posts: 16,562
Angry Internetvrijheid bedreigd?

Imagine if AT&T and Verizon controlled everything you see and do online

This morning, our House of Representatives dealt a serious blow to Internet freedom by passing a telecom bill stripped of protections for net neutrality.

Currently, our free and open Internet allows individuals and organizations to speak truth to power -- and small businesses to compete and flourish on a level playing field. However, big telecom companies like AT&T and Verizon are currently spending tens of millions of dollars to push legislation that would abandon the "First Amendment of the Internet" -- a principle called network neutrality.

As the Internet grows, it's not surprising that the big corporations want to seize control, discriminate against people with alternative viewpoints, favor certain types of content, and set up tollbooths wherever they can.

Without network neutrality, AT&T, Verizon and others will be free to slow down or block emails and Web sites they don't like -- effectively silencing the voices of their critics and of people who don't share their politics. We can't let them get away with it.

ActForChange, 09-06-2006
"Never argue with an idiot, they'll just bring you
down to their level and beat you with experience." (c)TB
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