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Oud 31st October 2006, 20:09
Barst's Avatar
Barst Barst is offline
Geregistreerd op: Jun 2004
Locatie: L'burg
Posts: 16,562
Mike Whitney

"As long as oil is denominated in dollars, the central banks will be forced to stockpile American scrip regardless of its value. It’s no different than holding a gun to someone’s head. They will use our debt-plagued greenbacks or their cars and trucks will sputter, their tractors and factories will wheeze, and their economies will grind to a halt. It’s just that simple."
"America cannot maintain its superpower status unless it continues to control the global economic system. That means the linkage between the dollar and oil must be preserved. The Bush troupe sees this as an existential issue upon which the future of America’s ruling class depends. By 2020, 60% of the world’s oil will come from the Middle East. Bush will do everything in his power to control the resources of the Caspian Basin, thereby expanding US dollar-hegemony and paving the way for a new American century."

Mike Whitney, "Information Clearing House", 30-10-2006
"Never argue with an idiot, they'll just bring you
down to their level and beat you with experience." (c)TB
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