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Canada's new Liberal government repeats promise to legalize marijuana
Canada's new Liberal government repeats promise to legalize marijuana
Speech to parliament reiterates that prime minister Justin Trudeau plans to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana using lessons learned by US states Canada’s new Liberal government has repeated its pledge to legalize marijuana in a speech outlining its agenda as parliament resumes after the 19 October election. A speech delivered by governor general David Johnston reiterated new prime minister Justin Trudeau’s plan to legalize and regulate the recreational use of marijuana. It is a position Trudeau has held since becoming leader of the Liberal party in 2013. However, for the first time, the government said it will restrict access to marijuana but did not elaborate. Justin Trudeau’s Canada victory is also a win for the nation’s marijuana industry Read more Trudeau has said that legalizing marijuana would fix a “failed system” and help remove the “criminal element” linked to the drug. He also has said Canadians would benefit from analyzing the experiences of Colorado and Washington state, which recently legalized pot. The speech also expanded on five themes that were central to the Liberals’ election victory, which ended the near-decade-long Conservation party’s reign. The speech reiterated Trudeau’s pledge to cut the tax rate for middle-income earners and provide a more generous child benefit to those who need it, paid for by a tax hike on the wealthiest 1%. It also promised significant new investment in infrastructure to boost Canada’s stagnant economy. Trudeau, who just returned from the climate conference in Paris, promised to continue working with provinces to put a price on carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and introduce a new environmental assessment process. The speech also indicated that the new government would create a new relationship with aboriginal governments and people. It promised to implement the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on residential schools, where aboriginal children were abused and stripped of their native culture and language between the 1880s and 1996, when the last school closed. The government also promised to launch an inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women. Bron: theguardian, http://www.theguardian.com/world/20...alize-marijuana Datum: 4/12/2015 Eigen mening: Ik ben niet zeker of dit wel een goed idee is. Er zijn voordelen en nadelen aan. Ik ben wel voorstander van medicinale cannabis omdat het een doeltreffend middel kan zijn bij mensen met ADHD, kanker, MS, enz. Ze voelen minder pijn wanneer ze cannabis gebruiken. Het zorgt ervoor dat spieren meer ontspannen, zodat het verzorgen van bepaalde patiënten minder pijnlijk wordt. Ik vind dat men hier in België ook nog is moet overwegen om het te legaliseren. Door het te legaliseren komen er allerlei mogelijkheden om productie, handel en verkoop te regelen. Zo kan men bijvoorbeeld een leeftijdsgrens opstellen. Er kunnen kwaliteitseisen gesteld worden, waardoor mensen geen slechte of verontreinigde spullen meer gebruiken. Ook kan de overheid met belastingen en accijnzen de prijs verhogen, waardoor minder mensen het gaan gebruiken. |