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Oud 8th January 2006, 04:49
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Barst Barst is offline
Geregistreerd op: Jun 2004
Locatie: L'burg
Posts: 16,562
Exclamation Congo: HELP!!


CONGO. ,,Dodelijkste humanitaire crisis''

In Congo voltrekt zich op dit moment de dodelijkste humanitaire ramp in de wereld. Dat schrijft het Britse medische tijdschrift The Lancet . Elke maand sterven 38.000 Congolezen aan ziektes die eenvoudig te genezen zijn. Sinds 1998 zijn bijna vier miljoen Congolezen omgekomen als indirect gevolg van de burgeroorlog, vaak eerder door ziekte dan door geweld. Heel wat onder hen sterven door de voortdurende instabiliteit, de instorting van de gezondheidszorg en ontoereikende internationale hulp.

DS, 07-01-2006 (ap)

Congo's 3.9 million victims make it deadliest crisis for 60 years

01/07/06 "The Telegraph" -- -- The civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo has claimed 3.9 million lives, according to a study.

It says starvation and disease caused by a conflict, which began in 1998, were by far the greatest killers.

The results of the study, conducted by the International Rescue Committee, a New York-based relief agency, are published in the British medical journal The Lancet.

"Congo is the deadliest crisis anywhere in the world over the past 60 years," said Richard Brennan, the study's main author. "Ignorance about its scale and impact is almost universal and international engagement remains completely out of proportion to humanitarian need." The committee found that Congo's war claimed 38,000 lives every month in 2005.

Researchers visited 19,500 households across the vast country over three months last year and recorded the number of deaths experienced by families. They found that, of every 1,000 people, 2.1 died every month. This compared with a pre-war mortality rate of 1.5 in every 1,000. Assuming war to be the sole cause of the increase in death rates, the study said the conflict has claimed 3.9 million lives, with the numbers rising each month. Civil war began when Uganda and Rwanda invaded Congo, ostensibly to hunt down rebel groups.

Both countries looted its mineral wealth and fighting escalated when five other African nations sent in their troops.

Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited, 07-01-2006
"Never argue with an idiot, they'll just bring you
down to their level and beat you with experience." (c)TB

Laatst aangepast door Barst : 8th January 2006 om 04:54.
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