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Oud 14th March 2005, 04:12
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Exclamation Taiwan: The Real Danger...

China Enacts Law to Stop Taiwan Secession

BEIJING - China's national legislature on Monday overwhelmingly approved a law authorizing a military attack to stop Taiwan from pursuing formal independence, a day after President Hu Jintao told the 2.5 million-member People's Liberation Army to be prepared for war.

The measure was approved by a vote of 2,896 to zero, with two abstentions at the closing session of the annual session of the figurehead National People's Congress' annual session.

"We shall step up preparations for possible military struggle and enhance our capabilities to cope with crises, safeguard peace, prevent wars and win the wars if any," the official Xinhua News Agency quoted Hu as saying Sunday.

Hu's comments, made to military delegates at the national legislature, appeared aimed at underlining Beijing's determination to unify with democratically ruled Taiwan, which split from the Chinese mainland in 1949.

Also Sunday, Hu was appointed as chairman of the government's Central Military Commission, a largely symbolic move that capped a generational transfer of power. He already heads a parallel party commission that runs China's military.

Hu, 62, has shown no sign of diverging from former President Jiang Zemin (news - web sites)'s hard-line stance toward Taiwan, a democratically ruled island that Beijing insists is part of the communist mainland.

The two sides split in a civil war more than 50 years ago, and Beijing has long threatened to invade if Taipei takes formal steps toward independence.

The anti-secession law passed Monday is aimed at discouraging self-ruled Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its territory, from making its de facto independence permanent.

"We must ... always place the task of defending national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity and safeguarding the interests of national development above anything else," Xinhua quoted Hu as telling military delegates to the congress.

Delegates to the NPC burst into applause after the approval of the law, shown live on national television.

"This law ... represents the people's determination not to allow Taiwan to be separated from China by any means or any excuses," said Wu Bangguo, China's No. 2 leader and chairman of the parliament.

Taiwan's government has condemned the law, saying it risks raising tensions. The United States also appealed to China not to enact the measure.

Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian has said it "enables China to unilaterally decide Taiwan's future and ignore that Taiwanese have the right to choose a democratic and free lifestyle."

The United States would be Taiwan's most likely defender if China attacked. Washington is lobbying strongly against European Union plans to lift a 15-year-old arms embargo against China, arguing that high-tech European weapons might be used against Taiwanese or U.S. forces.

AP, 14-03-2005
"Never argue with an idiot, they'll just bring you
down to their level and beat you with experience." (c)TB
Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 14th March 2005, 04:27
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Barst Barst is offline
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Locatie: L'burg
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Door deze wet op dit eigenste moment te 'stemmen', geeft men aan de V.S. een doorslaand argument om de E.U. alsnog af te brengen van de geplande opheffing van de wapenboycot vis-à-vis China. Het 'voordeel' zal alvast zijn dat de E.U. (Frankrijk op kop) zal kunnen/willen inbinden zonder gezichtsverlies...

Het geeft verder misschien toch ook te denken over de 'boom' van China als economische grootmacht, m.n. bij multinationale investeerders: wanneer China zijn plannen zou doorzetten, dan zien zij al hun investeringen van de laatste jaren in één klap in rook opgaan... Het lijkt mij niet onlogisch dat er ook vanuit die hoek serieuze druk zal gezet worden op de Chinese Communistische leiders... Of die laatste daar effectief ook bevattelijk voor zijn, valt nog maar af te wachten...

Anderzijds zullen deze investeerders zich wellicht toch ook een stuk bewuster beginnen worden van het 'risicokapitaalgehalte' gekoppeld aan hun Chinese winstprospecties... Het zal hen wellicht beginnen 'dagen in het Oosten', in de zin dat hun Chinese affaires wel eens veel sneller dan voorzien als 'kortetermijnbeleggingen' zouden moeten afgeschreven worden...

Misschien dan toch maar blijven investeren in het 'oude' (maar veel stabielere) Europa?
"Never argue with an idiot, they'll just bring you
down to their level and beat you with experience." (c)TB
Met citaat antwoorden

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