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Oud 20th October 2015, 22:09
Ellen.B*smans Ellen.B*smans is offline
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Jamie Oliver: David Cameron must be brave with sugar tax

Jamie Oliver: David Cameron must be brave with sugar tax

Celebrity chef tells health select committee that prime minister should ‘act like a parent’ to food and drink industry in bid to lower childhood obesity

Jamie Oliver, the celebrity chef, cookbook author, restaurant supremo, food campaigner “and most importantly today … dad”, has called on David Cameron to be “as brave as he knows he should be” in tackling Britain’s obesity crisis.

Speaking to a committee of MPs on Monday, Oliver said he had “robust” discussions with the prime minister about his proposed introduction of a 20% tax on sugar-sweetened drinks.

Cameron should “frankly, act like a parent” with food manufacturers, Oliver said, adding: “Industry has to be kept in line … When my kid is a little bit naughty, gets a bit lairy, it goes on the naughty step.”

The government is currently reviewing the measures it will include in a forthcoming anti-obesity strategy, and Oliver told the health select committee he did not believe ministers had yet ruled out including the controversial levy, which he says would add around 7p to the price of a 330ml can of fizzy drink.

The tax, he said, would “remind [manufacturers] who is boss. And that is child health and the government.

“We should work out who is running the country. Is it businesses – who are profiting from ill health in our country – or is it us?”

More important than the tax itself, he said, would be the message it sent that the government “is willing to fight tooth and nail for public health, and especially children’s health”.

In an unconventional committee session, the chef pulled props from a plastic bag to illustrate his points and handed them round to committee members, the press and audience.

“If you can just hold that up, Helen …” he said at one point to Helen Whateley, the Conservative MP for Faversham and Mid Kent, referring to a bottle of fizzy drink whose wrapper he had doctored to include the number of teaspoons of sugar it contains.

“The reason the industry don’t want you to have that is because the impact is visceral,” said. “I’m not saying you ain’t going to buy it, I’m saying you won’t rattle it out three times a day.”

For the benefit of the stenographers “and those following on Hansard”, Sarah Wollaston, the committee chair, stepped in to explain what was happening.

Oliver has published a five-point sugar manifesto in which, alongside the 20% tax, he calls for televised junk food advertising to be banned before 9pm, traffic light labelling to be made mandatory, and for the introduction of an additional compulsory labelling system showing sugary drinks’ sugar content in teaspoons. He also wants the currently voluntary “responsibility deal” on public health to be made mandatory.

Lifting a can of Red Bull from his bag, Oliver also raised the possibility of minimum age standards for young children purchasing drinks heavy in sugar and caffeine from corner shops. “We’ve got to get medieval on this stuff,” he said.

Oliver told MPs he had seen consumption of sugary drinks falling in his own chain of 46 restaurants, which have already imposed a tax of 10p, with the money raised going to programmes aimed at improving children’s health.

Datum: 19/10/2015

Mening: Ik vind het zeer goed dat Jamie Oliver het belang van een suikertaks aankaart. Steeds vaker zie je jonge kinderen met een flesje cola over straat lopen, en nog opmerkzamer: de energydrankjes. Ik vind niet dat kinderen (jonger dan 16) energydrankjes horen te drinken. Vaak kopen ze deze voor of na de schooluren met hun zakgeld, zonder dat de ouders hier van weten. Als deze dranken dus duurder worden, zullen kinderen misschien beter nadenken of ze hun geld wel willen uitgeven aan deze dingen. Ik heb dit artikel gekozen omdat Jamie Oliver op een goede manier zijn bekendheid weet te gebruiken. In zijn restaurants heeft hij de frisdranken opgeslagen met als gevolg dat men deze dranken ook minder consumeerde. Hij toont initiatief om iets te doen aan het overgewicht in Groot-Brittannië en dit zou een voorbeeld moeten zijn voor vele anderen.
Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 24th October 2015, 13:02
Ellen.B*smans Ellen.B*smans is offline
Registered User
Geregistreerd op: Sep 2015
Locatie: Ranst
Posts: 85
" In zijn restaurants heeft hij de frisdranken opgeslagen met als gevolg dat men deze dranken ook minder consumeerde."

Met het opslagen van de dranken bedoel ik natuurlijk het opslagen van de prijzen.
Met citaat antwoorden

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