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Oud 4th May 2012, 12:24
Elise_v Elise_v is offline
Elise Vrins
Geregistreerd op: Feb 2011
Locatie: Nijlen
Posts: 100
The Present Perfect Simple

This lesson was taught in K301 bio (bio-esthetiek). At the end of the lesson, most pupils really understood how and when to use the present perfect simple.
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Bestandstype: doc Versie2lesvoorbereidingK301bio.doc (131.0 KB, 75x gelezen)
Bestandstype: wmv 24 hours.wmv (4.29 MB, 20x gelezen)
Bestandstype: ppt presentatie3bio.ppt (1.33 MB, 30x gelezen)
Bestandstype: docx evaluatie.docx (10.4 KB, 35x gelezen)
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