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Oud 4th May 2012, 12:14
Elise_v Elise_v is offline
Elise Vrins
Geregistreerd op: Feb 2011
Locatie: Nijlen
Posts: 100
The shopping centre (Unit 3, New Breakaway 2)

Vocabulary unit 3: shopping

This lesson was taught in K301 bio (bio-esthetiek) on the 9th of March 2012. The pupils really enjoyed all of the activities in this lesson.
Bijgesloten Bestanden
Bestandstype: docx Versie2Lesvoorbereiding_Engels_EliseVrins_1baso_2011_2012.docx (71.3 KB, 35x gelezen)
Bestandstype: pptx Presentatiebioesthetiek_shoppingcentre.pptx (6.96 MB, 17x gelezen)
Bestandstype: docx Carrefour_ingevuld2.docx (767.7 KB, 15x gelezen)
Bestandstype: docx Extra.docx (133.2 KB, 12x gelezen)
Bestandstype: docx FlashcardsCarrefour.docx (72.2 KB, 9x gelezen)
Bestandstype: docx Fnac_ingevuld2.docx (86.3 KB, 10x gelezen)
Bestandstype: docx HM_ingevuld2.docx (73.9 KB, 15x gelezen)
Bestandstype: docx IciParisXL_ingevuld2.docx (549.9 KB, 7x gelezen)
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