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cedric.v*ndewater 15th October 2014 12:09

Blair calls for global lessons in religious respect
A global drive is needed to tackle the roots of extremism by making education systems in all countries teach respect for other religions, Tony Blair says.
The former UK prime minister said it was "foolish" to spend billions on a military fight with Islamic extremism if intolerance is left "undisturbed".
As a matter of "urgent global importance", he wants schools to teach "the virtue of religious respect".
This should be made a "common global obligation", said Mr Blair.
In an article written for the BBC News Knowledge Economy series, Mr Blair said the struggle against the Islamic State and the threat of terrorism needed to engage in the battle of ideas.
"All the security measures and all the fighting will count for nothing," he said, unless the intolerant ideas that feed into extremist violence were challenged.
'Common obligation'
Mr Blair, who has set up a foundation promoting a greater understanding of religions, said it was necessary to "uproot the thinking of the extremists, not simply disrupt their actions".

"Especially foolish is the idea that we leave this process of the generational deformation of the mind undisturbed, at the same time as we spend billions on security relationships to counter the very threat we allow to be created."
He argued that a forum such as the G20 should adopt plans for "a common charter to be accepted by all nations, and endorsed by the UN, which makes it a common obligation to ensure that throughout our education systems, we're committed to teaching the virtue of religious respect".

"Muslim countries will continue to teach their children the value of being Muslim. But we should all teach that people who have a different faith are to be treated equally and respected as such."
Mr Blair said it was "perplexing and alarming" that the debate about radical Islamism too often failed to engage with education and the shaping of ideas.
the "incubators of radicalism" need to be confronted, he argued, to prevent the spread of ideas that "warp young and unformed minds".
"The challenge we face is to show young people who are vulnerable to appeals from terrorists that there is a better path to having their voice heard."

Eigen Mening:Ik vind dit wel een goed plan ik heb zelf in het onderwijs niet zoveel kennis meegekregen over al de godsdiensten. Maar ik heb wel geleerd om niet iedereen over een kam te scheren en als er mensen zijn die extreem handelen. Dan geef ik kritiek op de daden en niet de godsdienst die zij slecht maken.Nog niet zo lang geleden was het in het nieuws gekomen dat Ben Afleck de islam verdedigde op een tv show.Mijn respect heeft hij daar mee verdient want de mensen daar schilderde de islam af als de bron voor al de problemen. Ze scheerde de 1.6 of 1.4 miljard moslims over een kam en kwamen dan nog is met verkeerde feiten af. Schandalig is dit.De christenen zijn zelf ook niet altijd de braafste kindjes geweest uit de hoop ik bedoel ze hebben zelf Jezus aan het kruis gehangen en toen ze Bush Irak binnen viel toen was het ook allemaal In the name of God (olie kuch).

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