Bekijk de volledige versie : How to Buy a Gun in 15 Countries

14th March 2018, 21:30
Many Americans can buy a gun in less than an hour. The process takes months in some countries. Here are the basic steps for how most people buy a gun in 15 of them. Many countries have exceptions for specialized professions, and local laws vary.

United States 1Pass an instant background check that considers criminal convictions, domestic violence and immigration status. 2Buy a gun.

Japan 1Take a firearm class and pass a written exam, which is held up to three times a year. 2Get a doctor’s note saying you are mentally fit and do not have a history of drug abuse. 3Apply for a permit to take firing training, which may take up to a month. 4Describe in a police interview why you need a gun. 5Pass a review of your criminal history, gun possession record, employment, involvement with organized crime groups, personal debt and relationships with friends, family and neighbors. 6Apply for a gunpowder permit. 7Take a one-day training class and pass a firing test. 8Obtain a certificate from a gun dealer describing the gun you want. 9If you want a gun for hunting, apply for a hunting license. 10Buy a gun safe and an ammunition locker that meet safety regulations. 11Allow the police to inspect your gun storage. 12Pass an additional background review. 13Buy a gun.

South Africa 1Join an accredited hunting or shooting club, or document a need for self-defense. 2Complete firearm safety training and pass a written test and practical assessment. 3Give two employers, friends or community leaders as references. 4Get fingerprinted. 5Pass a review of criminal behavior, history of domestic violence and drug abuse and, in some cases, interviews with family and neighbors. 6Buy a gun safe that meets safety regulations. 7Allow police to inspect your storage. 8Wait several months for a federal review of your application. 9Buy a gun.

Mexico 1Get a letter from the local authorities confirming that you do not have a criminal record. 2Submit a letter showing your employment status and pay. 3Pass a background check that considers criminal history, employment and current gun ownership. 4Travel to Mexico City, where the only store authorized to sell guns is located. 5Get fingerprinted. 6Buy a gun.

Australia 1Join and regularly attend a hunting or shooting club, or document that you are a collector. 2Complete a course on firearm safety and operation, and pass a written test and practical assessment. 3Arrange firearm storage that meets safety regulations. 4Pass a review that considers criminal history, domestic violence, restraining orders and arrest history. Authorities may also interview your family and community members. 5Apply for a permit to acquire a specific type of weapon. 6Wait at least 28 days. 7Buy the specific type of gun for which you received a permit.

Austria 1To get a handgun or semiautomatic rifle, prove you are in serious physical danger. 2Pass a review of criminal history. 3Fill out a mental health survey, and complete a psychological and physical test. 4Complete a course on safe gun handling and storage. 5Install safe gun storage. 6Buy a gun. 7If you bought a hunting rifle or shotgun, wait three days before coming back to pick it up.

Canada 1To buy a handgun, prove that you practice at an approved shooting club or range, or show that you are a gun collector. 2For any gun, complete a safety course and pass both a written and a practical test. 3Ask for two references. 4Apply for a permit, and wait 28 days before processing begins. 5Pass a background check that considers your criminal record, mental health, addiction and domestic violence history. 6Buy a gun. If you bought a handgun, register it with the police before taking it home.

India 1Join a shooting club, or show that you or your property are under threat. 2Attend a practical training course on firearm handling and shooting. 3Obtain a certificate of physical and mental health from your doctor. 4Affirm that you have a safe place to keep the firearms. 5Pass a review that considers three years of tax returns, criminal history, mental health history and domestic violence and that includes interviews with you, your family and neighbors. 6Buy a gun.

Germany 1Join a shooting club, obtain a hunting license, demonstrate you are a gun collector or prove that your life is threatened. 2Demonstrate specialized knowledge of firearms, which may involve a written exam and practical demonstration of safe handling. 3If you are under 25, submit a certificate of mental fitness from a public health officer or doctor. 4Arrange proper firearm storage. 5Pass a background check that considers criminal history, mental health and drug addiction. 6Apply for a permit to purchase a specific gun, which may include an additional short background review. 7Buy a gun.

Britain 1Join a shooting club, or document hunting arrangements. 2Ask for a character reference. 3Arrange proper firearm storage. 4Pass a background check that includes a police interview at your home. Your storage arrangements may be checked. 5Buy a gun.

Brazil 1Write a statement about why you need a gun for self-defense. 2Complete a course on firearm handling and demonstrate that you can strike a target​ from 16​ and 23​ feet away with ​60 percent accuracy. 3Obtain a statement from an accredited psychologist certifying that you are mentally fit to fire a weapon. 4Obtain a certificate confirming that you have no criminal record​ and are not under criminal investigation. 5Buy a gun. 6Register your gun with the federal police. 7Fill out an online form in order to transport your gun. 8Return to the dealer and pick up your gun.

Russia 1Get a hunting license, or explain why you need a gun for self-defense. 2Pass a test of relevant laws, handling and first-aid skills. 3Get a doctor’s note saying you have no mental illness or history of drug abuse. 4Attend a firearm safety and handling class and pass an exam. 5Apply for a license. 6Pass a background check. 7Buy a gun.

Israel 1Join a shooting club, or prove that you live or work in a dangerous area authorized for gun ownership, including certain settlements. 2Get a doctor’s note saying you have no mental illness or history of drug abuse. 3Install a gun safe. 4Release your criminal and mental health history to the authorities. 5Buy a gun and a limited supply of bullets, usually about 50. 6Demonstrate that you can use your gun or a similar gun at a firing range before taking it home.

China 1Establish a specific reason to possess a firearm, such as for hunting or sports shooting. 2Arrange to store your gun at a gun range, remote hunting ground or pastoral area. 3Demonstrate knowledge of safe gun use and storage. 4Pass a background check that considers mental illness, criminal record and domestic violence. 5Buy a gun.

Yemen 1Go to a gun market or find a seller online. 2Buy a gun.

Eigen mening: In Amerika is het aantal personen dat een wapen bezit zéér hoog. In dit artikel wordt duidelijk gemaakt waarom. Het is gewoon te simpel om een vuurwapen te verkrijgen. Ik vind dat andere landen hier beter in doen. Voor mij lijkt het logisch dat een criminele achtergrond check gedaan wordt en dit doet Amerika ook. Maar in GB moet je een interview doen met de politie over waarom je dit wapen nodig hebt. Mij lijkt het ook noodzakelijk dat personen die een wapen willen kopen toch een korte training afleggen. Maar de meest interessante regel vond ik bij Australië. Hier moet je minstens 3 dagen wachten voordat je dit wapen zal krijgen. Dit lijkt voor mij wel een mogelijke oplossing voor de publieke incidenten met vuurwapens. Men kan zo dan niet in een impulsieve beslissing een wapen kopen en dit meteen gebruiken. Over het algemeen mag deze wet zeker strenger in Amerika, maar of dit echt het probleem gaat oplossing dat denk ik niet.

Bron: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/02/world/international-gun-laws.html?recb=signature-journalism.als1&recid=11pNRSjpBe1Mg2GPPTq8hgKzpx5&contentCollection=signature-journalism&mData=articles%255B%255D%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.nytimes.com%252Finteractive%252F2018%252F03%252F02%252Fworld%252Finternational-gun-laws.html%253Frecb%253Dsignature-journalism.als1%2526recid%253D11pNRSjpBe1Mg2GPPTq8hgKzpx5&hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=signatureJournalism-promo-region&region=signatureJournalism-promo-region&WT.nav=signatureJournalism-promo-region