
Bekijk de volledige versie : Mexico legaliseert medicinale Marijuana volgende week

12th December 2016, 14:50
Mexico Is Legalizing Medical Marijuana Next Week

In a bold move last Tuesday, the Mexican Senate has agreed to put forth an amendment that will allow medical marijuana for those in need south of the border.

The reform is expected to be officially executed next week on Tuesday, December 12th. This monumental decision will create a medical marijuana sandwich out of North America, with the US federal government being the only one still clinging to the prohibition of yesteryear.

The move comes as several members of the Mexican government call for medical cannabis access. The cross-party agreement happened between the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the National Action Party (PAN), and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Mexico’s three major political parties.

During the meeting this week, the Senate also heard from José Narro Robles, the Secretary of Health who underlined the importance of Mexico adopting this new legislation.

President Enrique Pena Nieto has been a vocal supporter of medical cannabis and loosening recreational laws as well. This past September, the Mexican President met with California lawmakers to discuss what might happen should Proposition 64 be successful. He has also said in the past that Mexico and the U.S. should not pursue diverging policies on cannabis.

Now that California has passed the bill and recreational marijuana in The Golden State is a reality, all eyes will be on Mexico to see if this will be the catalyst that finally crumbles recreational prohibition for the Spanish nation. Until that point, at the very least patients will soon be receiving the medicine they need without fear of persecution.

Datum: 12/12/16


Mening: Het gebruik van drugs blijft nog steeds taboe en er wordt niet openlijk over gepraat. Ik vind het persoonlijk niet erg dat Mexico een legale vorm van drugs bezit. Als je een voorschrift kan vast krijgen voor medicinale Marijuana dan weet je tenminste dat het goedgekeurd is om verkocht te worden. Er zal altijd gedealet worden in drugs, denk ik, al maak je een groot deel legaal. Het is alleszins veiliger om goegekeurde drugs te verkopen via apothekers dan datgene wat je op de straten kunt kopen.