10th May 2015, 22:22
Teachers are not happy Nicky Morgan has been reappointed Education Secretary
Nicky Morgan has been reappointed as Education Secretary in David Cameron's post-election cabinet reshuffle.
Morgan, who took over from the unpopular Michael Gove in July, dramatically increased her majority in election and has been rewarded with the same brief as before.
The reappointment has proved controversial with some teachers, as Morgan, like her predecessor Gove, has no teaching experience.
Morgan, a former corporate lawyer, was also criticised in November for "downgrading the arts", after she said that teenagers should steer clear of arts and humanities if they wanted to get the best and widest range of jobs.
She also pulled out of making a speech at at the March conference of the biggest teachers' union, the NASUWT, the day before her speech was due to go ahead.
Teachers will expect Morgan to address the issues facing their profession, like curriculum changes, school reforms, and workload. Morgan has said she will make tackling the problem of teachers' mounting workload an "absolute priority".
In February, 44,000 teachers across the country contacted the Department for Education after Morgan told them to let her know if they had any problems with their workload.
In response, she promised a year's notice to teachers of any significant changes to qualifications and the curriculum.
And the reappointment of Morgan has been "greeted" with despair by many teachers.
Morgan has also proposed that school qualifications could be linked to tax data to show the "true worth" of certain subjects, at the education technology show Bett in January.
Morgan is also Minister for Women and Equalities, but was criticised after her 2014 appointment to the position, as she voted against the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2013, which legalised same-sex marriage in England and Wales.
However, some saw a silver lining in Morgan's reappointment. Stuart Lock, a deputy headteacher, wrote on Twitter that he was "broadly in favour of education secretaries being in the post for a while."
Bron: The Independent, 10/05/15,
Eigen mening: Onze huidige minister van onderwijs, Hilde Crevits, heeft naar mijn weten ook geen ervaring in het onderwijzen. Dus ik zie niet meteen in waarom dit een probleem is. Ik kan ergens wel begrijpen dat iemand met ervaring positief zou kunnen bijdragen, maar misschien zijn deze mensen juist niet objectief genoeg. In dit geval gaat het misschien meer om Nicky Morgan. Haar uitspraken zijn niet goed gekozen. In onze samenleving is de technologische sector en de chemie bloeiend, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat iedereen moet wegblijven van kunst en humane wetenschappen. Ik kan me dus wel voorstellen dat er controverse is. Als minister van onderwijs moet je iedereen stimuleren, ook zij die geïnteresseerd zijn in kunst en humane wetenschappen. Tot slot was zij ook tegen same-sex marriage. Als minister van onderwijs geef je hier al geen goed teken aan de studenten en leerkrachten.
Nicky Morgan has been reappointed as Education Secretary in David Cameron's post-election cabinet reshuffle.
Morgan, who took over from the unpopular Michael Gove in July, dramatically increased her majority in election and has been rewarded with the same brief as before.
The reappointment has proved controversial with some teachers, as Morgan, like her predecessor Gove, has no teaching experience.
Morgan, a former corporate lawyer, was also criticised in November for "downgrading the arts", after she said that teenagers should steer clear of arts and humanities if they wanted to get the best and widest range of jobs.
She also pulled out of making a speech at at the March conference of the biggest teachers' union, the NASUWT, the day before her speech was due to go ahead.
Teachers will expect Morgan to address the issues facing their profession, like curriculum changes, school reforms, and workload. Morgan has said she will make tackling the problem of teachers' mounting workload an "absolute priority".
In February, 44,000 teachers across the country contacted the Department for Education after Morgan told them to let her know if they had any problems with their workload.
In response, she promised a year's notice to teachers of any significant changes to qualifications and the curriculum.
And the reappointment of Morgan has been "greeted" with despair by many teachers.
Morgan has also proposed that school qualifications could be linked to tax data to show the "true worth" of certain subjects, at the education technology show Bett in January.
Morgan is also Minister for Women and Equalities, but was criticised after her 2014 appointment to the position, as she voted against the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2013, which legalised same-sex marriage in England and Wales.
However, some saw a silver lining in Morgan's reappointment. Stuart Lock, a deputy headteacher, wrote on Twitter that he was "broadly in favour of education secretaries being in the post for a while."
Bron: The Independent, 10/05/15,
Eigen mening: Onze huidige minister van onderwijs, Hilde Crevits, heeft naar mijn weten ook geen ervaring in het onderwijzen. Dus ik zie niet meteen in waarom dit een probleem is. Ik kan ergens wel begrijpen dat iemand met ervaring positief zou kunnen bijdragen, maar misschien zijn deze mensen juist niet objectief genoeg. In dit geval gaat het misschien meer om Nicky Morgan. Haar uitspraken zijn niet goed gekozen. In onze samenleving is de technologische sector en de chemie bloeiend, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat iedereen moet wegblijven van kunst en humane wetenschappen. Ik kan me dus wel voorstellen dat er controverse is. Als minister van onderwijs moet je iedereen stimuleren, ook zij die geïnteresseerd zijn in kunst en humane wetenschappen. Tot slot was zij ook tegen same-sex marriage. Als minister van onderwijs geef je hier al geen goed teken aan de studenten en leerkrachten.