Bekijk de volledige versie : New test can predict cancer up to 13 years before it hits

1st May 2015, 13:30
New test can predict cancer up to 13 years before it hits

Scientists have developed a new test that can predict with 100 per cent accuracy whether someone will develop cancer up to 13 years in the future.

The discovery of tiny but significant changes taking place in the body more than a decade before cancer was diagnosed helped researchers at Harvard and Northwestern University make the breakthrough.

Their research, published in the online journal Ebiomedicine, found protective caps on the ends of chromosomes, which prevent DNA damage were more worn down those who went on to develop cancer.

Known as telomeres, these were much shorter than they should have been and continued to get shorter until around four years before the cancer developed, when they suddenly stopped shrinking.

“Because we saw a strong relationship in the pattern across a wide variety of cancers, with the right testing these procedures could be used eventually to diagnose a wide variety of cancers,” said Dr Lifang Hou, the lead study author, told The Telegraph.

“Understanding this pattern of telomere growth may mean it can be a predictive biomarker for cancer….We found cancer has hijacked the telomere shortening in order to flourish in the body.”

Bron: The Independent, 01/05/15, http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/new-test-can-predict-cancer-up-to-13-years-before-it-hits-10217555.html

Eigen mening: Ik vind het zeer straffe taal dat met 100% zekerheid kan gezegd worden of iemand kanker zal ontwikkelen. Dit zou ideaal nieuws zijn. Dat Harvard betrokken is bij de onderzoeken is dan weer wat meer geruststellend. Zelf heb ik het syndroom van Lynch. Vanaf mijn 25ste levensjaar moet ik mij om de twee jaar laten controleren in het ziekenhuis. De voorbereiding op dit onderzoek is ook niet aangenaam, vandaar dat het voor mij persoonlijk altijd zeer interessant is om dergelijk nieuws te lezen. Daarnaast zouden er duizenden mensen gered kunnen worden met dergelijke testen. Laat ons hopen dat deze testen effectief kunnen slagen en niet te duur zouden zijn.