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24th November 2011, 20:18
A Baby named Dovahkiin

Hey! Remember that challenge Bethesda threw down awhile ago? Name your baby Dovahkiin on 11.11.11 and you'll get Free Bethesda games for Life? Well it finally happened! Two parents, Megan and Eric Kellermeyer have named their child Dovahkiin! Now thats commitment. Bethesda even provided a picture of the baby surrounded with Skyrim stuff.
Awww Aint that adorable? His full name is Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer. I actually can't believe they DID do this. I mean, free stuff from Bethesda is great but, naming your baby Dovahkiin is a bit too far dont you think? I don't want to complain about their parenting or anything but his "unique" name might be a problem once he goes to school. " Hey Dovahkiin where did your name from? "-----" My parents wanted free stuff so they named me Dovahkiin "

Bethesda even made a funny remark to this

“Any reward for completing this quest will not ultimately justify the potential teasing your child could — and probably will — endure over its lifespan. Bethesda Softworks is not responsible for your parenting. You may gain experience points for completing this quest, but you will not care at 3 am on a work night. Completion of this quest may also result in decreased desire to play video games and/or function as a human being. Consult with your friends before embarking on this quest; while it may not start in prison, it probably ends there.”

Bron: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Blood_Reaper/A_Baby_named_Dovahkiin

Voor de mensen die niet kunnen volgen, Bathesda games studio’s ontwikkelaar van het computerspel skyrim, uitgebracht op 11.11.11 hadden een wedstrijd gemaakt. Iemand die zijn kind, geboren op 11.11.11 Dovahkiin –naar de hoofdrol speler in het spel- noemt zal levenslang gratis toegang krijgen op alle Bethesda games. En het is nog gebeurt ook, de enorm trotse –en een beetje gestoorde- ouders van Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer hebben de wedstrijd gewone. Ik zeg maar 1 ding Dovahkiin is nog niets de raarste naam die ik ooit gehoord heb en de jonge Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer zal tenminste weten waarom hij die naam draagt. Zijn ouders wilde gratis spul –ik heb nooit gezegd dat het een goede reden was-.