
Bekijk de volledige versie : Auto op water!

wim leenaerts
30th July 2007, 18:17
Ik heb nog geen echt geloofwaardige bron gevonden (Wetenschappelijke magazines en websites), maar er moet toch wel iets van waar zijn? Dit belooft iig super te worden.

Water als brandstof, de nieuwe hybride? (

Goed nieuws voor Groen Links! De Amerikaan Denny Klein heeft, naast een lasapparaat die op water draait, nu ook een een auto die puur op water kan rijden. Hij heeft inmiddels een patent op de techniek die het mogelijk maakt om H2O om te zetten naar HHO: “On a 100 mile trip, we use about four ounces of water.” De Amerikaanse overheid heeft interesse en er schijnt ook minstens één autoproducent te zijn waar men mee in gesprek is.

Ik heb nog veel vraagtekens maar onderstaande video geeft in ieder geval wat meer info.

Car Powered By Water A Reality (
By Eric Flack

(LOUISVILLE) -- Along Florida's Gulf Coast, water is everywhere. From the bay to the beach to the town of Clearwater, that is where we found Denny Klein. A man driven by water, literally.

Klein has invented the world's first water powered car. It runs on what he calls "Aquygen." Aquygen is water or H2O, broken down and turned into HHO gas, something scientists once thought impossible.

"Any PhD or library, they say you can't mix hydrogen and oxygen. And still to this day we get a lot of people who don't believe us because that's what they were taught," Klein said.

But people are quickly learning Klein and his car are for real.

Klein says his design will retrofit any piston engine.

An economic development team from the county and local government TV got a demonstration while we were there.

Klein says he initially developed Aquygen to create a safer, less polluting blowtorch. Klein realized Aquygen would clean up car emissions as well. The only thing that would come out of the tailpipe was water.

Soon, his vision became a reality.

Like most alternative fuel cars, the prototype is actually a hybrid. It runs on a gas and Aquygen mixture. Whenever you're ready, you flip the switch and the Aquygen kicks in.

The result is up to a 50 percent jump in gas mileage. Klein's Ford Escort prototype gets 384 miles on a tank of gas. 576 miles with a little Aquygen mixed in.

Klein sees a totally Aquygen powered car sometime in the future. With that, he says you could drive 100 miles on 4 ounces of water. "You just drive it like a regular car. The infrastructure is already in place to get it serviced so we don't have to reinvent the wheel," Klein said.

For now, Denny Klein is content to perfect the hybrid version of the car. He says it could hit the market in as little as 2 years.

Aquygen units for industrial use are already for sale and Klein says other uses for it remain on the horizon. After all, with Aquygen, the possibilities are as endless as the supply.

If you're worried about losing power, don't. Unlike some other alternative fuel cars, Klein says he actually gets a couple extra horsepower when he uses Aquygen.

There are two hurdles to a car that runs totally on Aquygen. One: long-term impact on the engine. Will the water speed up rust or corrosion over time? Two: figuring out a process to tank the gas for distribution.

Big names interested in water powerd car (
By Eric Flack

(LOUISVILLE) -- Whether you're trying to catch a fish or maybe just swimming with them, life can be pretty laid back along Florida's gulf coast. That is until you step into the offices of Hydrogen Technology Applications in Clearwater.

People just can't stop talking about Denny Klein's water powered car. The first of its kind.

Project manager Stephen Lusko says, "It's been totally out of control. Thousands of calls and emails. I get 200 emails every hour. They want to partner with us, they want to sell our product, they want to invest in us."

It runs on what is called Aquygen, which is water, or H20, broken down into HHO gas. Klein's prototype, a modified Ford Escort, is a hybrid that uses regular gas infused with Aquygen when the driver throws the switch.

In trials, Aquygen improved gas mileage by as much as 50 percent. That's almost 200 extra miles per tank of gasoline. Klein says an adapter for your car could be on the market sooner than you think. "My guess is probably 2 years to go to the next level," Klein told us.

He says a totally Aquygen powered car in a little further down the road.

The Aquygen car isn't the only thing they are working on. In fact, out of this Florida garage they are doing things with water you won't believe.

They've got a prototype Aquygen only lawn mower and Aquygen machines are already being sold to power blowtorches.

Klein says Aquygen's lack of pollutants is on of its most important qualities and some big names are taking notice. Denny said, "NASA, Daimler Chrysler, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin."

But thanks to those sky high gas prices, Klein's car has grabbed the spotlight and thrown them into it. "Timing is everything and I think our timing is better now than ever," Klein said.

That's got his team believing they may be on the verge of history.

30th July 2007, 18:42
[QUOTE=wim leenaerts]Dit belooft iig super te worden.
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Of was het diesel?[/FONT] :D

wim leenaerts
30th July 2007, 19:46
[QUOTE=Barst][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Of was het diesel?[/FONT] :D[/QUOTE]
Die humor! :rolleyes: ;)