
Bekijk de volledige versie : Oorlogsbonus

5th February 2005, 01:04
Special forces offered $150,000 to reenlist

02/03/05 -- WASHINGTON, -- (UPI) -- Senior special forces troops who resist going to private security firms and reenlist can get up to $150,000 in bonuses, the U.S. military announced.

The cash bonuses are meant to help retain skilled soldiers who are in high demand by private security companies with lucrative contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The $150,000 bonus applies to staff sergeants up to sergeant majors and requires a commitment of six more years. With a five-year commitment, the senior enlisted troops will get $75,000; $50,000 for four years, $30,000 for three years; $18,000 for two years and $8,000 for one year.

The bonuses apply to all services' special forces components.

Enlisted members and warrant officers who have more than 25 years of service will receive added incentive pay of $750 per month, provided they stay on active duty for an additional 12 months at least, the U.S. Special Operations Command said.

Sergeants and above with less time under their belts who have specific specialties are eligible for $375 extra a month.

"Younger replacements can be trained, but experience is irreplaceable in the current worldwide war on terrorism," said Lt. Col. Alex Findlay with the USSOCOM personnel directorate.

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